Bring the magic and wonder of winter into the classroom by writing winter poetry.
Looking for winter poetry ideas?
Do you want ways to introduce writing poetry for elementary students?
These writing poetry activities are for teaching poetry to fourth graders and fifth graders but can be easily adapted to work for both older and younger students.
This ready-to-go resource has lesson plan ideas for introducing a poetry unit, a lesson for visualizing poetry with Robert Frost’s Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, AND student informational sheets on five different forms of poetry (with examples of each) for students to practice writing.
These tried-and-true poetry lesson plans keep students actively engaged in the writing process while exploring fun and different ways of expressing themselves through writing.
The five forms of poetry explained in this resource are:
Cinquain, haiku, tanka, limerick, and diamante.
This winter poetry writing resource has everything teachers will need.
It contains:
Lesson plan ideas
Quick start guide
Printable copy of Robert Frost’s poem, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy
Word bank of Winter Words
5 informational sheets on each of the five poetry styles; examples included:
Diamanté, Haiku, Tanka, Limerick, and Cinquain (both forms)
A scoring rubric for the teacher to evaluate each of the five poems
Additionally, If the teacher wants to have students complete the writing process for each of the forms of poetry mentioned and create a Winter Poetry Collection, the following is also included:
Winter Poetry Collection cover sheet
Dedication Page – winter theme
About the Author Page – winter theme
Comments Page – winter theme
Five different forms, one for each type of poem – winter theme
Writing Collection Rubric for teacher evaluation
Student Checklist (with space for peer review) for completing the project
Students are more confident and successful when different writing activities pull from the same types of word or word banks. You may find these resources helpful for your classroom:
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