Weather Words: The Ultimate Vocabulary Supplement for Your Weather Lessons
Enhance your weather lessons with “Weather Words,” the perfect supplement to enrich your elementary classroom. This resource covers beginning weather vocabulary and providing various tools to support your teaching.
What’s Included:
Word Wall Words: Key weather terms ready for display, making reinforcing vocabulary throughout your unit easy.
Picture Dictionary Page: space where students can draw their own pictures to show their understanding, perfect for young learners.
“What’s the Weather?” Sign: An interactive sign to involve students in daily weather discussions.
Today’s Weather Board Header: Large, bold letters to create a standout header for your weather board. (*I allow my students to color and design the letters to give more ownership to the students.*)
Graphic Organizer and Lesson Plan: A graphic organizer with a detailed accompanying lesson plan to introduce various aspects of weather effectively.
“I Can” Statements: Ready-to-use “I Can” statements that align with standards can be posted in your classroom, saving you time.
Use these weather vocabulary as stand alone lessons, or even better yet, to supplement your year-long study of weather with:
Students love the weather and collecting weather data. Add to your weather words with this Daily Weather Data Collection resource and watch your students’ engagement soar.
Younger students will enjoy the addition of Weather Bear to your daily weather talks. Fill out a daily weather report, put his Weather Bear sort into your weather center, and allow students to create their own Weather Bear booklets, while reinforcing seasons, weather, and dressing appropriately for the weather.
Primary students will enjoy theirI Can Write Weather Stories while older elementary students will love creating a snow day adventure, or even a spring adventure, tying in what they learn in their studies of Weather to their writing projects.
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