Weather Watcher – Daily Weather Data Collection


Do you have weather lessons in your standard?
Are you looking for weather lessons you AND your students will love?
Do you love it when your lessons merge through your different content areas and your students make real-world connections?
This is the resource for you.
Check it out.
Your students will act as meteorologists and can do all of the following:
Collect daily weather information
Write a simple weather report
Fill out daily temperature on a monthly calendar.
Complete a bar graph for daily weather all month long.
Create a line graph to show monthly temperature changes.
Keep track of the sunrise/sunset and chart amount of daylight each


Daily Weather Data Collection.

Do you have weather lessons in your standard?
Are you looking for weather lessons you AND your students will love?
Do you love it when your lessons merge through your different content areas and your students make real-world connections?
This is the resource for you.
Check it out.
Your students will act as meteorologists and can do all of the following:
Collect daily weather information
Write a simple weather report
Fill out daily temperature on a monthly calendar.
Complete a bar graph for daily weather all month long.
Create a line graph to show monthly temperature changes.
Keep track of the sunrise/sunset and chart amount of daylight each
This resource will enhance your current weather lessons while providing hands-on opportunities for the students to collect data throughout the school year.
Use these student-created charts for instruction all year long.
Topics for further instruction using this information can include bar graphs, counting, weather, seasons, and patterns. Students are more engaged when they have a personal experience in creating the information they are using.

Products included:

 Suggestions for Use (This is how I use the products in my classroom).
 Cover Sheet for Weather Data Binders
 Monthly Bar Graph Sheet for daily weather
 Monthly Calendar for daily weather icons and temperature
 Daily Weather Report page
 Weather Word Bank to help students with weather vocabulary in writing daily reports
Weather Words
Monthly Line Graph
Monthly Chart for Sunrise and Sunset
Easily add to your instruction by creating a Weather Board that houses all your weather data on display. (*I love mine).
You can differentiate for instruction and ability levels by creating Weather Data Binders for each student group and allow them to work together to complete the daily weather report and graphing the information.

These other resources are created to add to the fun and engagement:

Make learning about the weather fun for all of your students.
Kindergarten and first graders will love to continue to enrich their learning with fun centers and independent learning activities like: Weather Bear sorts and What Will Weather Bear Wear stories and his daily weather reports.
Primary students will enjoy theirI Can Write Weather Stories while older elementary students will love creating a snow day adventure, or even a spring adventure, tying in what they learn in their studies of Weather to their writing projects.
Have questions?
Or Concerns?
Or maybe just need a virtual hug?
Let’s Connect.
Thank you, teacher friend. Thank you for the difference you make every day in the lives of your students. The world is better because of you.


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