Do you teach the changing of the seasons?
Turn your young learners into sharp-eyed observers and help them look for the signs of the changing seasons.
They’ll get so excited to discover the signs for themselves.
Increase their engagement by creating a phenology wall in the classroom that will change with each season.
Included in this resource:
Phenology Letters
Board Header
12 seasonal changes (for each season) ready for display.
4 “I Can Spot the Signs of the Season” handouts
Pair with a seasonal word wall for added impact.
As an elementary teacher, you ensure your students grasp and retain essential vocabulary and concepts. One effective method to reinforce learning and promote improvement is multiple writing exercises utilizing the same vocabulary and ideas.
Immerse your classroom in the fall season with this glorious array of writing opportunities:
Include Non-Fiction Writing instruction with Writing about Apples and Writing about Pumpkins
Bring the learning inside your classroom by bringing your students outdoors with nature journaling.
Incorporate your fall theme into different writing topics like:
Challenge your young writers to choose creative vocabulary in poetry lessons like Halloween Haikus and Thanksgiving Acrostics
The Changing of the Seasons is a great time to introduce weather. Your class can incorporate Weather Bear into their calendar lessons or even write Daily Weather Reports and keep a Weather Word Wall and have them write weather stories.
Hugs, teacher friend.
May these resources help lighten your load, fill your classrooms with light and learning, and thrill your students as they learn and grow.
Thank you for everything you do.
You make a difference every day.
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