Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts – Team Writing


Are you looking for fun and engaging Valentine’s Day writing prompts?
These team writing activities may be just what you need. Use the swap-a-story format. This team writing format allows all students to write multiple stories during one writing period. Every child starts a story, and after a few minutes, the teacher calls “swap,” and the story is passed off to the next student to continue the story. These shared experiences always bring lots of laughter from the class, and students are thrilled to get their original story back and read the finished product.


Are you looking for fun and engaging Valentine’s Day writing prompts?
These team writing activities may be just what you need. Use the swap-a-story format. This team writing format allows all students to write multiple stories during one writing period. Every child starts a story, and after a few minutes, the teacher calls “swap,” and the story is passed off to the next student to continue the story. These shared experiences always bring lots of laughter from the class, and students are thrilled to get their original story back and read the finished product.
Use these Valentine’s prompts in several ways. Teachers can hand out multiple prompts simultaneously for one writing period or a different prompt on several other days during the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day.
This resource includes:
Suggestions for Use
Five prompts on holiday-themed paper
Extra writing paper

This enjoyable activity always brings laughter to the students, and the holiday-themed prompts still tie in with the festive air in the classroom.

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A Not-So-Happy Valentine’s Day writing resource.  This is an extended writing piece that the students work on in the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day. The kids compete to write the best (well-written) story of the worst Valentine’s Day.  This is a perfect resource for Writer’s Workshop and guides the students through the entire writing process.


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