Weather Bundle


Weather Bundle for Upper Elementary students.

Empower your young scientists to become meteorologists and collect, track, and analyze their own weather data.

These weather resources allow you and your students to study weather year-round. Make science come alive with these real-world learning experiences.



Weather Bundle for Upper Elementary students.

Empower your young scientists to become meteorologists and collect, track, and analyze their own weather data.

These weather resources allow you and your students to study weather year-round. Make science come alive with these real-world learning experiences.


Included in this mega-resource:

Daily Weather Report:

Your students will act as meteorologists and can do all of the following:

Collect daily weather information

Write a simple weather report

Fill out daily temperature on a monthly calendar.

Complete a bar graph for daily weather all month long.

Create a line graph to show monthly temperature changes.

Keep track of the sunrise/sunset and chart amount of daylight each



Weather Watchers – Around the World:

Conduct this five-day weather watch for cities in other parts of the globe.

This activity is for students to track the weather in two countries around the world.

Students love comparing data from different countries. They also make personal connections with the weather and climate in different parts of the globe.


Students create a booklet; using maps and globes, they choose two cities and mark them on their personal maps. Guide the students through making observations, predictions, and questions they may discover about the weather in these various countries.


Weather Words:

Enhance your weather lessons with “Weather Words,” the perfect supplement to enrich your elementary classroom. This resource covers beginning weather vocabulary and providing various tools to support your teaching.

What’s Included:

  • Word Wall Words: Key weather terms ready for display, making reinforcing vocabulary throughout your unit easy.
  • Picture Dictionary Page: space where students can draw their own pictures to show their understanding, perfect for young learners.
  • “What’s the Weather?” Sign: An interactive sign to involve students in daily weather discussions.
  • Today’s Weather Board Header: Large, bold letters to create a standout header for your weather board. (*I allow my students to color and design the letters to give more ownership to the students.*)
  • Graphic Organizer and Lesson Plan: A graphic organizer with a detailed accompanying lesson plan to introduce various aspects of weather effectively.
  • “I Can” Statements: Ready-to-use “I Can” statements that align with standards can be posted in your classroom, saving you time.


Write a Weather Report:

Students can work in pairs or small groups to create a weather report for the class. They can use their daily weather observations or research the forecast for cities worldwide. Encourage them to get creative with their presentations, perhaps using props or costumes to make them even more engaging. This not only makes the learning process more fun but also helps students develop their creative skills.


Find Inside:

Suggestions for Use

Weather Vocabulary and exercise page

Explanation of what a Weather Report actually is and why it is important

Icons to use during the report if desired

Weather Report Explanation and Assignment Page (let the helpers at home know what is happening, too!)

Weather Report Template and sample given

Report Presentation Feedback (use as a scoring rubric)

Weather Words

Booklet Cover

World Map and Intro page

Weekly graphic organizer for weather data

Lesson plan for completing a line graph

Line Graph Worksheet

Analysis page

Weather Vocabulary Page

Cover Sheet for Weather Data Binders

Monthly Bar Graph Sheet for daily weather

Monthly Calendar for daily weather icons and temperature

Daily Weather Report page

Weather Word Bank to help students with weather vocabulary in writing daily reports

Weather Words

Monthly Line Graph

Monthly Chart for Sunrise and Sunset


Winter Writing Resources to accompany your weather studies:

Writing Winter Poetry

Snow Day Fun


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